This is an image of a horse trainer that I worked with for a few years, and one of his beautiful Andalusian horses- Iberico. He treats all of his horses like friends and I thought this image was particularly appropriate because it demonstrates the fact that friendship not only existes between human and human. I layed the main image over a different background to give it a serene feel. The main image was taken with apentax 35mm camera and then scanned to disc.

This is a colaboration of images that I sourced on the net demonstrating communication. Each element of the composite is a seperate image- the satekite dish the spaceship, the night sky, the circular star trails, and the laser beam. I cut them out in photoshop and layed them over each other to create the final image.

This is a picture of the Murray River which I created by cutting out the river bed and inserting a desert scene, making the river look dry and barren. This is representative of the very prominent and newsworthy issue in Australia at the moment- drought, water shortage and the drying up of out water resources. The Murray River realy does look similar to this in some parts...

This is a montage of images from two very popular films, one modern- The Matrix and one not so modern- La Dolce Vida. I thought it representative of popular culture for both ours and our parents generations. To create this image I siply cut out the woman and layed the image over the top of the background image.

I created this montage out of some images of my own and some from the net. By applying masks to the seperate layers and then using the gradient tool I blended one image into the next to create this montage of Australian landscapes. The surf shot and the rainforest I took myself with a Canon 400D digital SLR and the other two I sourced from the net.

Instead of just using an image of one celebrity, I decided to create a celebrity hybrid, or mutant, if you will, out of Brooke Burke, 50Cent, some random dude with his hand on his crouch, Ashton Kutcher, and a squid (Not sure where that came from!) I think it speaks for itself...

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